What is the Flu?

DrColler Cold/Sinus/URI

Every day I receive calls from people concerned that they have the flu. The interesting thing is, once I start asking questions, I realize that they all believe the flu is something different. Some have diarrhea, others a runny nose. Some have had symptoms for 2 hours and others for …

No More Benadryl

DrColler Cold/Sinus/URI

Benadryl has been around since 1947! It has been used as a first-line antihistamine for treating allergies and insomnia for decades. Since it has been around so long, most of us (doctors included) have thought it to be ‘tried-and-true’ and rarely concern ourselves with the safety data. In fact, it …

How to Stay Healthy this Cold & Flu Season

DrColler Cold/Sinus/URI

Yep, it’s upon us. The snotty-nosed, coughing, hacking cold and flu season. Delightful. Well, it’s not all that bad. Beautiful leaves. White snow. Holidays. It’s actually a great time… unless you get sicky. So, although I have no magic bullets or charms that can guarantee that you won’t get sick, …

Are Sinus Infections Contagious?

DrColler Cold/Sinus/URI

In my practice, sometimes a patient will tell me, “Hi, Doc, my [family member] was just diagnosed with a sinus infection and put on antibiotics. I’m starting to have symptoms now, so I wanted to get on top of it.” The thought being, maybe if I start antibiotics now, I’ll …