What is the Flu?

DrColler Cold/Sinus/URI

Every day I receive calls from people concerned that they have the flu.

The interesting thing is, once I start asking questions, I realize that they all believe the flu is something different.

Some have diarrhea, others a runny nose.

Some have had symptoms for 2 hours and others for 2 weeks.

So, what is the flu?

Well, INFLUENZA – which is the viral bug that causes the true flu – is primarily a RESPIRATORY illness.

It usually has a fairly rapid onset of systemic symptoms like fever, chills, body aches, and extreme fatigue. Some people get sore throat, cough, headache, and even dizziness. Decreased appetite is also common.

It’s like a cold, but you usually aren’t going to just “power through it and go to work anyway.” You’re in bed, and you aren’t going anywhere.

But, in general, no diarrhea or vomiting.

What is known as the stomach flu is not caused by influenza, but other viruses like Noroviruses or Rotavirus. (So having had the flu shot won’t matter.)

This is usually a pretty yucky illness with lots of vomiting and diarrhea.

They are both very contagious. But they are caused by different bugs, so the treatment is different.

So, to recap:

The REAL FLU is respiratory and caused by influenza.

The “STOMACH FLU” is gastrointestinal, and NOT caused by influenza.

In either case, I think telemedicine is a pretty good way to help folks out with these sorts of symptoms. No one with either illness is too keen on leaving the house!

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