Big News!

DrColler Functional Medicine, Personal

Hey everyone! I’ve been a bit absent over the past couple months or so and some of you have been wondering where my blog posts disappeared to! Well, my wife and I have been praying through a big decision: I was offered a position with a rapidly growing functional medicine …

The Holidays are Coming!

DrColler Personal

I was recently able to go on a quiet retreat with some friends of mine. We had a lot of solitude and also times of meaningful discussions. One topic was that of the holidays. Many of us had a sense of nostalgia about when we were children – the magic, …

Seasons of Clarity

DrColler General, Personal

Yesterday I wrote about the importance of writing down inspirational ideas that come to mind. Whether you end up acting on it or not, at least you will have a record of what it was in the first place! Today, I wanted to expand this out a little more – …

Why am I doing Telemedicine?

DrColler Personal

 “But you’re an Osteopath…” Many people have wondered or asked me, “Why are you doing telemedicine? You’re so personable. You’re an Osteopath! Aren’t you supposed to be using all of your senses – including touch and physical examination skills to help your patients?” And, the truth is, yes, that …