Looking Both Ways Before Crossing May Reduce Car-Collisions, But More Research is Needed

DrColler Diet

Ok, this is a made-up headline, but it’s basically the way the medical/scientific world works.

In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever read a study that did not end with some version of the statement: but more research is needed.

I especially thought of this with a recent article about how Seventh Day Adventists (SDAs) live longer and have a lower incidence of cancer than the general population.

In fact, this has been known for a long time.

SDAs generally have a very unique and healthy lifestyle.

They minimize animal foods, don’t drink alcohol, smoke or do other drugs. They take one day per week to really rest. They are connected to a social structure that encourages virtues like integrity, faithfulness and responsibility. They study the Bible and fill their minds with spiritual truths.

It’s really hard to argue that this kind of lifestyle wouldn’t be great for anyone who did it!

Yet, more research is needed.

After all, we need to know what, specifically, is the reason for the better stats on health and longevity.


Ok, I don’t begrudge any scientist from wanting to parse out whether not smoking has a bigger impact than a supportive community or whether abstinence from animal products outweighs having a solid, Biblical worldview, but, I suspect it’s a package deal.

You can’t destroy your body (or mind) one way, and do everything else correctly and not impair your health.

So, 2 things here:

  1. Maybe the medical world is so political and money-driven, that no study dare say, “aha! we’ve discovered something that is true!” No, they have to ease into it and see what the backlash might be. No one wants to get in the crosshairs of Big Pharma or some other giant industry by claiming something that might challenge the status quo. (This sounds a bit overly cynical. Sorry.)
  2. Most of us could learn a thing or two from the Seventh Day Adventists. I’ve had some SDA friends and colleagues and I’ve always been impressed by their faith and convictions. It seems that they’ve figured something out in terms of how best to treat our bodies.

Just some interesting things to think about.

By the way, this post isn’t meant to be a call to become a Seventh Day Adventist or vegetarian.

more research is needed.

Ha. Just kidding.

In all sincerity, I have my position on those things, but regardless of what that may be, I believe there is much to admire and learn from the Seventh Day Adventists’ way of life.